Wednesday, 19 August 2020


Review Teater Sarah by CHU WEI XIEN 137059

In this theatre Sarah, I've learnt to appreciate the power of positioning on the stage, and the different kind of props involved on the stage. The traditional background music really captured my heart and the show gives a classic Malay vibe which was really cool. The show started off as humans are born into this world and we see a nice young lady called Sarah and her relationship with her future husband. There is contrast between the actors as there is a genie and humans communicating. The ending was superb for me and I really enjoyed the show.


Theater Sarah review by ABEL LIEW CHEE WENG 137030

1 thing that catches my attention most was the opening with rohs walking around.  Still didnt understand why they yelled 'kosong, kosong' over and over again but it sure adds to the atmosphere. The music was also outstanding as it really brought additional life to the show as a whole. However, the voices were a little soft causing parts of the dialog to be missed out. Otherwise, its technical aspects were fine, at least to my eyes.

The relationship between the main protagonists were also pretty interesting as they broke certain social norms considered taboo to talk about in today's society. The  comedy relief brought by the genie was also much appreciated as laughs can be heard among the audience. Just the perfect mix of cute, mischief and genie things.

Gonna reuse the wefie we took together, hope its ok


Review Teater Sarah by Nur Adilah bt Mohd Yusof

Dalam teater Sarah, banyak perkara yang telah saya pelajari. Persembahan ini berkisahkan tentang seorang gadis cantik bernama Sarah dengan pasangannya, Syed Amir. Ada masalah timbul sehingga mereka terpaksa ke luar negara. Selain itu, terdapat watak antagonis iaitu jin dan seorang lelaki yang bersepakat untuk memusnahkan hubungan Sarah dan Syed Amir. Namun, pada akhirnya mereka berdua tetap bahagia bersama-sama. 

Musik, set & prob juga membantu dalam mempersembahan jalan cerita ini. Akhir sekali, saya berpuas hati dengan lakonan mantap barisan-barisan pelakon Sarah. Good job!


Joachim Anne (134841)

Review Teater Sarah

The story began with Dollah said a harmonious love story from a book called Sarah.Then,there lived Rahimah and Pak Wu.Rahimah was portrayed as an ugly women while Pak Wu was suffering from kyphosis and origin from a castle.He knew the true meaning of love.Meanwhile Rahimah told Pak Wu that She’ll go and search for Dollah who gifted her a brown coloured shawl.
And then there’ll be a flashback of Sarah and Amir love story.But people like Silbi and Zabidi tries to break their relationship as they jealous of them.Then,Sarah and Amir will eloped to another state from Penang.
So to celebrate this,Silbi will plan a big treat for the villagers at the nearby mosque.

After a while,Amir will receive a letter from his sister,as he was pampering his pregnant wife,Sara that the whole village is now surrounded and hijacked by the bad people as Silbi.
So Amir and Sara will take a decision to come back to Penang to save the villagers from the villains.
As a conclusion,there were some moral values in this teater as we should not do evil to anyonea.Morever,jealousy are troublesome to others,so we must try to live here harmoniously with all the races.
Finally,we should be helpful to each other as the reward will extremely generous from the God.


Review Teater Sarah (17/10/2019)

Natilian bt Napi

Jalan cerita yang menarik. Pada mulanya saya agak confused dengan apa yang terjadi. Tetapi makin lama saya menonton, saya mula memahamk jalan cerita tersebut. Banyak plot twist yang berlaku dan saya makin tertarik untuk mengetahui apa yang berlaku.

Teater sarah ini membuatkan saya tertanya tanya apa akan terjadi? Kenapa? Mengapa? Bagaimana? Tetapi, pengakhiran cerita, pada pendapat saya, agak tidak memuaskan. Bagi saya, pengakhiran tersebut terlalu pendek dan saya tertanya tanya apa yang terjadi kepada kakak syed amir? Sarah? Azmir? Adakah mereka semua selamat? 

Secara keseluruhannya teater ini sangat menarik and saya suka set stage yang lain daripada yang lain!


Review Teater by Liyana Hamizah Binti Shuaib (144313)

Persembahan teater ini  bertemakan klasik seperti di era selepas berlakunya perang dunia kedua. Teater ini dimulakan dengan kumunculan ruh-ruh yang menimbulkan saspens di kalangan penonton termasuk saya. Teater ini sebenarnya mengenai seorang wanita yahudi yang tinggal di Tanah Melayu (Malaysia) pada ketika itu dan dia juga bekerja di rumah orang Melayu. Apa yang paling menarik dalam teater ini ialah babak- babak percintaan Sarah dengan Syeikh Amir dimana  telah membuatkan ramai penonton teruja dan seronok iaitu pada babak Syeikh Amir memberikan selendang hitam kepada Sarah. Namun begitu, plot twist dalam teater ini adalah apabila Sarah dan Syeikh Amir terpaksa berhijrah ke luar negara kerana sesuatu konflik yang melanda. Pada masa itu Silbi dan Zabidi telah mula membuat onar di situ selepas penhijrahan mereka. Namun, apabila Syeikh Amir mengetahui tentang itu, beliau terus bertanggungjwab dengan pulang ke sana untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang berlaku bersama Sarah. Oleh itu, kita dapat mencontohi sikap Syeikh Amir yang bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga keamanan negerinya daripada anasir-anasir jahat walaupun beliau mengetahui risikonya. Walaubagaimanapun, masih terdapat banyak persoalan mengenai teater ini yang kurang jelas tetapi secara keseluruhannya, pementasan teater ini sangat menarik dan unik.



Sebuah karya agung yang mengetengahkan garis masa era selepas perang dunia kedua. Karya ini telah dipersembahkan dengan sangat baik. Simbolik yang dipamerkan adalah sangat jelas. Teater ini menceritakan tentnag seorang wanita yahudi yang menjalinkan hubungan dengan orang yang berpngaruh di Pulau Pinang. Cinta mereka sangat suci tetapi sayang, ada yang tidak boleh menerima kedatangan wanita yahudi di tanah air. Pada permulaan cerita, korus mempengaruhi suasana menjadi seram. Terdapat adegan komedi, melankolia dan juga patriotik. Makna tersirat yang dibawa dalam teater ini sangat berat. Nilai kemanusiaan yang dipamerkan mengajar penonton untuk tidak menghukum seseorang daripada asal usul kerana kita semua dilahirkan dalam galur keturunan yang sama. 
Dari set pentas yang dibawa dalam teater Sarah tidak terlampau sesak. Hanya yang memberi simbolik sahaja menjadi prop dan set. Dari pemakaian Sarah juga iaitu selendang hitam merupakan plot twist dan simbolik yang besar dalam teater ini. Lampu dan Projektor sangat mempengaruhi suasana dan mudah untuk para penonton untuk menikmati teater tersebut. Penggunaan suara latar juga amat jelas. Tapi pada pendapat saya, penggunaan smoke machine agak lebihi pada permulaan cerita sehingga mengganggu mata penonton untuk melihat korus. 
Dari sudut lakonan pula, semua pelakon membawa watak yang sangat baik, pengahayatan watak juga sangat mendalam mungkin pelakon sudahpun membuat kajian watak terlebih dahulu. 
Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada mereka yang telah menjayakan sebuah karya agung ini. Semoga objektif Teater Sarah tercapai.  (afiq)


Review Teater Sarah

Abdul Saifullah Bin Abdullah (143845)

Bagi saya, teater Sarah ini sungguh menarik. Perkara yang paling menarik bagi saya adalah latar masanya iaitu selepas perang dunia kedua. Saya juga suka melihat pembukaan teater ini dimana beberapa roh-roh telah bermonolog. Apa yang paling menarik ialah kisah pencintaan Sarah dan Syeikh Amir. Percintaan antara dua insan yang berasal daripada agama dan budaya yang berbeza. Pelakon-pelakon juga melakonkan setiap watak dengan hebatnya. Ianya sedikit sebanyak telah memberikan saya sedikit inspirasi. Mereka menjiwai watak-watak dengan jayanya. Konflik dimana Syeikh Amir dan Sarah terpaksa berhijrah sangat mendebarkan. Walaupun mereka berjaya berhijrah, ianya tetap menyedihkan kerana Mereka terpaksa meninggalkan kakak Syeik Amir. Pengakhiran teater ini juga sedih tetapi memuaskan kerana Syeikh Amir dan Sarah kekal bersama.



16th Oct, I watched the play at Panggung Pelinggam. The first and the last scene, I remembered “Roh yang Bertanggungjawab”. As it was a long day for me, it took me awhile to process what actually happened. But the harmony created in the chorus gave me goose bumps despite not understanding the whole story. I definitely enjoyed the performance of the old man in the beginning. It was only him speaking without much movements, but the emotions were already there. The facial expressions, the gestures, the intonation of his voice guided us into memory lane were very on point.

To be honest, I have a pretty short attention span so I lost tracks of the content of their dialogues. As I was more accustomed to either English or Spoken Malay language, the content delivered in Classic, "Baku" Malay kept me on the track. It was very interesting that the casts spoke in the graceful manner of Classical Malay, putting us in the historical setting of Penang, regardless the fact that I am not a Penangite, thus I wasn't very familiar with the time and place settings.

But I could definitely remember the feeling I had while watching it. I remember the happiness shared by Sarah and Syed Amir, the love from a family, the malicious intentions by the devil, the sadness of having to be separated from family as well as the yearning portrayed by the actors and actresses. However, the sudden appearance of the devil caught me off guard. Rather than the symbolic message the character was supposed to deliver, unfortunately I took him more as to serve the play some comedic purposes. I was so amused with the character's costume and manner that I got distracted from his lines, and therefore I failed to understand the real role of the character and his association to Sarah. 

Lastly, I'd like to review on the theme of the entire play. Honestly, I had poor knowledge on history, so I didn’t catch the fact that Sarah was a Jew during Holocaust. I originally assumed she was British during their colonization in Tanah Melayu, and was only told by my friend after the play ended, that it was about the Holocaust. When I found out about that, it came to me that the play was more interesting than I first thought. I’m planning to read more on the Holocaust and appreciate history even more


Review teater Sarah- Kirsha

17 October 
Teater Sarah bermula dengan chores yang melambangkan roh yang sebelum lahir. 
Mereka berjanji bahawa mereka akan menjadi roh yang bertanggungjawab. The performance of the old man is definitely amazing. His expression is damn nice , eventhough that part is quite draggy. 
I'm quite confused when the same character appeared as syed Amir. I loved the flashback, it's quite straight forward. The way they arranged the scene is different and nice. They explained about judgemental society as well. Antagonist judged Sarah's character  just because she is a Jewish. The lesson I learned from this teater is, importance of having critical thinking to understand this story . By the way it's a great experience! Thank you. 

Teater sarah


Teater Sarah karya Sasterawan Negara Nordin Hassan di Pusat Pengajian Seni. Pelakon pelakon semuanya padu, tetapi saya menyukai rekaan artistik pentas di dalam teater Sarah kerana dari segi rekaan pentas serta props yang minimal kotak kotak 4 segi, tangga serba putih  dengan kukuhnya panel-panel kanan dan kiri pentas untuk keluar masuk pelakon-pelakon dengan bantuan pancaran projection mapping keatas panel panel tersebut. Rekaan kotak kotak putih tersebut juga beralih fungsi di dalam ruang perbezaan masa babak dalam lakonan. Ada kalanya ianya menjadi kerusi dan ada kalanya menjadi tempat berdiri. 

Projection mapping didalam teater Sarah menjadi tunjang kekuatan pada setiap babak dipentas sebagaimana memaparkan babak  ‘Flashback’, Background Scene dalaman rumah dan scene hutan. Paparan video pendek  
turut menambah didalam penceritaan tersebut.

Karya Seniman Datuk Noordin Hassan ini sarat dengan mesej tersirat- biarpun nama-nama watak yang dibawakan tidak wujud dalam masyarakat kita, namun gambaran perwatakan sememangnya wujud dalam masyarakat (negara) kita. Biarpun tidak kelihatan sinis secara langsung- kerana latar tempat yang 'asing'- tetapi sesekali terlintas di fikiran, cerita yang dipapar sebagai biasan kepada realiti dalam masyarakat kita pada hari ini..

Menonton teater bagi saya, yang memikat tentunya pembawaan watak-watak dalam cerita. Selain plotnya, saya biasanya lebih melihat aspek lakonan pembawa watak yang menjadikan cerita itu lebih menambat dan memikat. 

Review teater Sarah
Nyam Yee Shin 139309
The lighting and all those set are really impressing me on that time because I couldn't even imagine how good can it be the effect of the projector project on the screen. The lighting effect really bring out some effect that needed. The actor who talked a lot with spectacle is so amazing, he can memorize so many words and doing some small face expression at the same time. The one who always doing something funny is really funny, he made the whole story not bored at all. Then I know how important is it to open up our voice like we do during warmup, the voice is big enough until the condenser mic can receive the actor's sound and make it louder when the sound come from the speaker. 


lim vangilyn 139138

To be honest, I didnt really understand the whole theatre Sarah, but the moment the actors stood up and perform, I was quite amazed by their acting skills especially the uncle actor talking about the book Sarah, he really got that old man's vibe, and the main character Sarah, her emotional expression was so reaaall, me as an audience, I feel like she is really in love with that guy im sorry I forgot their names lol. Then a familiar face shown I was like thats Kak Iz haha! Didnt expect that! She act like she's from the drama tv shows with great expressions, the script was quite long, I am so impressed that the cast can really hafal semua plus having eye contact with the audiences, and facial expressions too need to be natural, wow.
The background music was nice, I felt like I was in a Malay's wedding lol because I have only heard this kind of musical instruments played on my Malay friend's wedding day haha, I found out the musicians somehow were to cue the actors to leave or to enter the scene, its awesome. The set was simple, background mainly using projector, this idea was very unique, I have learnt alot from this theatre.